Monday, February 24, 2020

Hello Ladies 😉

With King Duncan dead and Macbeth as the new King I am mourning Duncan's death, but also celebrating Macbeth' s new title. I am worried about Macduff. I have not heard word from him. Macduff is a smart man he will turn up when he resolves his worries. Macbeth is hosting a banquet right now and I slipped to the bathroom to post this. There are many pretty ladies here and I am enjoying myself deeply. Banquo has yet to show up and I am actually very happy about this. Now I can take this time to be Macbeth's bff. Tonight I am letting loose and not caring about what goes on around me, my concerns are lost. The only things on my mind are Macbeth my soon to be best bud and of course all the ladies. After all Macbeth did say " Be large in mirth".  - T.S Image result for macbeth meme😉

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