Thursday, February 20, 2020

Macbeth the new King!

Ever since Duncan's death the world has been acting vert strangely. Owls being spotted, storms, and even Duncan's horses eating each other . Macduff tells me that Macbeth killed the servants who were responsible for Duncan's death. A very honorable thing to do on Macbeth's part , but I can't help but wonder that if he had kept them alive would they confess? Malcolm and Donalbain have fled and are now the main suspects. I have just gotten word that Macbeth is on his way to Scone to be crowned King! I must leave immediately! Surely nothing could go with Macbeth as the new King.  -T.SImage result for Ross from macbeth meme


Hecate said...

Oh you are so naive if only you knew the future that lies ahead!

First Witch said...

I hope you enjoyed our little conversation, wait I mean your conversation with the Old Man. Sorry, I get a little confused sometimes.
He is such a nice guy, isn't he? And so noble!
-First Witch

Ms. May said...

Your use of images is great, Ross! Keep it up!

Lady Macbeth said...

Mother Nature has been going nuts lately. I wonder why and what it means?

Fr3akest Witch said...

The weather could be sign... Keep aware at all times.