Thursday, March 5, 2020

Macbeth is Dead!

A lot has happened since my last post, so let me tell you. Macbeth is dead, killed by the brave and C-sectioned Macduff. The battle was very one sided. It seemed like none of Macbeth's men wanted to fight. They had no passion. I found Young Siward dead with all his wounds on the front. After breaking the bad news to his father (why do I always have to bring the bad news?) we honored Young Siward for his noble death. So many people have died due to Macbeth's hand, making his death well deserved. If King Duncan were alive right now he would be very proud of his son and Scotland's new King Malcom. I am certain under his rule Scotland will quickly recover, and nobody will have to fear for their life. - T.S

Image result for Macbeth  meme

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